Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Facebook and Security

Those are two words you hear a lot about these days.  I see article after article about it online and how people are upset with Facebook that their account got hacked.  Or how they are suing so and so because private pictures of them got out.  I get phishing emails all the time from my friends whose pages were hacked and since I am in social media for a living, I figured I would try and help some of you out with some tips.

DON’T BLAME FACEBOOK – I love it when people’s accounts get hacked and the first thing people do is blame Facebook for their “lack of security” when the truth is, you should be blamed for your lack of knowledge. 

Yes, Facebook defaults their security on accounts very low and it will default to exposing more information than needs to be exposed.  But you are in control of this!  You can share as much information or as little information as you would like!  My rule of thumb and very high recommendation is LOCK IT DOWN.  Only share information to those that are your FRIENDS.  Not “Friends of Friends”…just Friends!

Here is the link to Facebook’s Privacy Help Page.  Educate yourself…today!

CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD – This one sounds really simple, but you would be shocked.  I read an article the other day that a hacker, who was recently busted, used the email addresses found on Facebook (see first tip) and was able to guess their password based on comments left on posts, etc.  Once he was able to log in, he would change the password, locking the owner out, and would use the account to chat with their friends and get answers to the questions needed to change the password…like Mothers Maiden Name.  All he needed was one email address and it got him access to 1,000’s of accounts.  So change your password today and make it something other than your cat’s name.  If you are worried you will forget it, then you are on the right track!!!  :)

CHANGE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS – I know this one sounds funny, but let me ask you this…is your email account password the same as your Facebook password?  Over 80% of people who use Facebook use the same password that they use for their email account.  I am pretty sure you see where I am going, but if your Facebook account is compromised, so is your email account.  Email addresses are free.   Go to gmail or yahoo today and get one and start using it today!  I have one I use for all my online accounts so if it does get compromised, the damage is minimal.

KNOW WHO YOU ARE CHATTING WITH – Along the lines of the previous two tips, make sure you know who you are chatting with if you get an IM or a message from someone within Facebook.  Trust your instincts!  If you get a IM asking about your mother or your first boyfriend, keep in mind those are two of the security questions that are asked to retrieve your password if you “forget” it.  If you get an IM from some one you haven’t talked to in a long time, be cautious.  If it is someone you talk to all the time and all of a sudden they are asking those types of questions, shoot them a text and make sure it is them you are talking to. 

KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ‘FRIENDS’ AND ‘FRIENDS OF FRIENDS’ – One of the security settings you can set your account to is “Friends of Friends”.  And while this seems harmless, it isn’t.  Here is an example of how this works.  Lets say you post a picture and you share it with Friends of Friends so Friend A is able is to see it, but so are ALL of Friend A’s friends. 

While on the surface this doesn’t sound bad, you have no idea who are Friends with Friend A and did you just post a pic of you on vacation, making it known to them that you were not at home?

KNOW YOUR FRIENDS – Once you get your page locked down, for people to follow you and what you post you have to approve them.  Do not take this lightly.  Do not just approve anyone because they want to be your friend.  Keep in mind, once you let them in, they can see ALL your posts and your information. 

DON’T GIVE AWAY THE FARM – While Facebook allows you to post as much information as you want in their “Info” section, this is not the best idea.  You need to keep some information close to the vest. 

Putting your phone number, for example, is NOT recommended in any scenario.  If someone wants your number, let him or her ask.  Remember, if you have changed your email address and they email you, they are emailing you to a safe email address so if anything goes wrong it doesn’t compromise your personal email account.

The bottom line to all is this to educate yourself, be smart and use common sense.  Facebook catches a lot of flack for their default settings, but no one ever talks about the resources they have available to help you get your settings right!! 

Hope that helps!!


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